ICE Poker 7th & 8th NFT Drops

ICE Poker 7th & 8th NFT Drops

In response to community feedback following the 6th ICE Poker NFT Drop, today we’re announcing two drops – both of 1,250 wearables: 

  • ICE Poker NFT Drop #7 – ICE Chef will be held in ETH on Tuesday, January 25th at 6pm UTC
  • ICE Poker NFT Drop #8 – ICE Beach Day will be held in ICE on Tuesday, February 1st at 6pm UTC


Blockchain data following prior mints has demonstrated that our typical requirements to mint do not have optimal incentives. Several addresses have accumulated the adequate amount of xDG to mint, minted, then immediately dumped the xDG and ICE Wearables post-mint. 

This is concerning, as the xDG requirement was to give access to folks who have a vested interest in the project, and we’ve now seen that flippers are able to easily game this system and extract hundreds of thousands of dollars of value from the community. 

In order to minimize value extraction from outsiders, there will be a whitelist for both upcoming drops.

Drop #7 – ICE Chef 

When deciding the ICE Chef pricing and whitelist criteria, there lies a tradeoff between raising the mint price and allowing the public to mint, and maintaining a substantially discounted mint price and whitelisting our core stakeholders. With the ICE Chef mint in ETH, we’d like to give value to our true stakeholders within the DG and ICE Poker ecosystem. 

The drop will be priced at .75 ETH on Polygon (60% discount from the secondary floor price), and will be available to folks who held at least 1,000 xDG as of the snapshot we took yesterday.

These addresses will be able to mint during the first 5 minutes of the drop. There are ~4K addresses on this list. It’s possible the collection will not sell out in the whitelist period at which point it opens to general minting while whitelist participants are on 20 minute cooldown period. 

Again, the rationale behind this whitelist criteria is to ensure we’re delivering value to those vested in the DG ecosystem with the ability to mint at a discount vs. the secondary floor price, discouraging outsider flipping. You can check if you are on the whitelist on the marketplace tab. See image below.

Drop #8 – ICE Beach Day 

The ICE Mints have, and always will be, aimed at new participants (delegated players who are making the move to player-owner) and mini-guild owners looking to expand their guild. 

Ideal Flow: free delegated player —> mintooor —> player-owner —> mini-guild owner —> mega-guild owner —> rare wearables collectooor 

The Beach Day Drop will be priced at 8k ICE, and will be whitelisted to all addresses that meet one or both of the following criteria:

  1. Played ICE Poker (checked in) 15 or more days this month (1/1 – 1/20). 
  2. Is delegating at least one wearable as of a snapshot we took yesterday. 

This whitelist includes ~3.9K addresses. Just as with the ICE Chef Drop, the whitelist period will be 5 minutes, after which the mint will open up to all, and the cool down period will be 20 minutes. You can find this mint whitelist google sheet HERE.

Again, the rationale behind this ICE Mint whitelist criteria is:

  1. To give priority to delegated players who seek NFT ownership and upward mobility, which is the cornerstone of ICE Poker ecosystem long-term sustainability. 
  2. To reward NFT owners who have invested in an NFT and providing them this avenue to reinvest ICE. 

How to Mint

To participate, at the time of mint, you must have at least 1,000 xDG across ETH mainnet and Polygon (or 1 Old DG staked) and 0.75 wETH (for the 7th mint) or 8,000 ICE (for the 8th mint) on Polygon for each mint. Make sure to have your Metamask network set to Ethereum mainnet during the time of minting. 

Please make sure to not refresh your browser too much leading up to the drop because you run the risk of being rate-limited by our servers. For guidance on staking DG in governance or moving assets to Polygon, check out the community-made tutorials at the end of this blog.

Minting will occur on the DG marketplace on our website, where you can also see the “Check Eligibility” button and whitelisted badge (see image below) so you can confirm you’re all set!: 

The 5 ICE Chef NFTs have a 250 unit supply each:

1 Star Rating

Toque Blanche

Chef’s Top

Chef’s Apron


The 5 ICE Beach Day NFTs have a 250 unit supply each:

Beach Fedora

Tint Shades

Party Shirt


Beach Slides

Happy minting! For more info and support, join our Discord.  

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